

Thursday, 29 August 2019

testing food for mahi tahi.

In this photo it is me with a blindfold because we were testing food.
One person will be testing the food and explaining what is tastes like, then the other person with the other blindfold will say to the other to people what it is so they can write it down, so at the end the teacher will say what it is.
I had to eat coco,  caper it tasted so delicious.
we were in a team of four and one had to test the food and the second one had to tell the other two people had we think it is.

Tuesday, 20 August 2019


We had to do an information report about any animal of our choice and we had to write about it and what it was
about the animal we got to choice, and I have done it about chinchillas and it has got: what chinchillas eat, behavior
of chinchillas, and where chinchillas live.

did you know that Chinchillas are bigger than mice but small than rabbits 

The diet of chinchillas,
Chinchillas eat grass, leaves, twigs, and chinchillas also eat strawberries and carrots if they are pets chinchillas
have treats like other pets they can have bananas and more just like other pets.

Behaviors of chinchillas,
Chinchillas are sociable and needing housing with one or more chinchillas.Chinchillas can learn to enjoy being
with familiar people / faces.
Chinchillas like to bark grunt and squeak to show they are happy, sad, angry or annoyed this is how they

Where do chinchillas live,
Chinchillas live in burrows , what are burrows  you say they are little holes are in the ground chinchillas will dig
until it is deep enough to sleep in and when it has rained and rained and the burrow when it has filled up with water
the chinchilla will have to find a new burrow or make a new burrow to sleep in for the night.

Image result for fluffy chinchillas
<A white chinchilla as a pet>

Friday, 9 August 2019

Cross - Country

Thursday, 1 August 2019