

Monday, 23 August 2021

Persuasive vocabulary

 This is my persuasive vocabulary task this is my second task and Lockdown,I had to persuade people about the Dodge Challenger, I could only use 5 sentences only and we had to use cards that started us intense words we could that we could use to elaborate and words that we could use to conclude the ending.

Keeping our animals safe

this is my first task of Lockdown, for this task we had to read a speech, and after that answer questions.

Thursday, 17 June 2021

WANTED poster followers of Jesus

This is my WANTED follow up task, we had to find a photo of Christ or of Jesus, five qualities that you will need, and a phone number. 

Monday, 24 May 2021

St Maximilian and Fr Fransic

 This is my religious education work, we head to find facts and compared them to Jesus, an answer questions about them.

Thursday, 15 April 2021

End of term reflection

 This is my end of term reflection, this term was fun learning new and different things, I can't wait to see what next term bring us.

Word of the week 8 evaporation

This is my word of the week, we had to use a dictionary to find what it means, also using it in a sentence, and having to translate it into languages. 

Word of the week Estuary

 This is the word of the week: Estuary, we had to find a photo and we had to use a dictionary explain what it is.

Friday, 26 March 2021

The hunger games chaper chat 4

 What skell does Katniss shows off to Haymitch?                                                                                  Katniss shows to Haymitch by throwing the knife into the wall.

What does Katniss do to keep her and here family alive?                                                                               she kills animals in the bush and trades them with the baker or other shops to get food.

What is the frist animal Katniss killed?                                                                                                              rabbit 

At the end of chaper 4, what does katniss think of Peeta?                                                                       katniss starts to like Peeta's personality.

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Word of the week 7

This is my word of the week This was fun becuase on friday is Saint Josephs day.

Word of the week 6

    This is my word of the week it was a fun task becuase we are learing about rivers.

Monday, 15 March 2021

Week 6 reflection

 This week on friday we went to swimming sports, and I'm going to the central zone swimming for backstroke.

Something I really in joyed was swimming sports becuase I'm not very good ayt swimming so I was happy that I came 2nd in it.

Something I found challenging was finishing my pepeha art because I was a little slow doing it and I had to stay in at luch to finish it.

I have worked towards my goals becuase I know that my math isn't the very best, but I fell like I have been inproving in it.

I am looking forwars to far north swimming zones.

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Week 5 reflection

 This week we got to do our pepeha, It was fun wrting and showing everyone where I am from, It was a little hard only because I don't know bit of it but my wonderful teacher saved me from getting it wrong.

One thing I have enjoyed this week was starting my art on my peheha even though I have only done the out lines it was still fun.

Something that I have found challening was trying to pronounce sensational. For me its a hard word to say, it took me a awhile to try and not muck up, as it is a very hard word to says.

I have work towards my goal by trying to get a better score in my math warms up, next week i want to get over 90 and a better time.

Mercy value means, to show kindness everywhere you go and help out when ever you can, how have i shown the mercy value by, I have shown mercy by helping my friends and people in my class when they get stuck in there work.

I am looking forwards to next week is the word and if i get to finish my pepeha art.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Week 4 Reflection

What was the hightlight of my week and why? The hightling of my week was swimming sports because it was my house group and other house groups versing each other.

what was a challenge and why? The challlenge of the week was to try and catch up on work from falling behind.

I have worked towards some of my by goals by trying my very best to get better everytime I got my maths next week I would like to try and beat my time in my math warm up.

The mercy values mean to show kindness around the school and being kind to everyone and help the other teachers. 

How have I shown the mercy value, I don't know if I have shown the value but I do try my best to help everyone around the school. 

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Hunger Games chapter chat 3

This term we are reading The hunger games we had to find 4 questions to answer this is what I got.

1. With Katniss being gone, will Prim be able to take her place and hunt for food?

Prim will be able to hunt if Gale teachers her.

2. Why are mockingjays comforting to Katniss?
becuase her dad sung songs to them and it reminds Katniss of her dad.

3. Katniss and Peeta handle the shock of being selected for the Hunger Games in two very different ways. How does Katniss react and how does Peeta reacts?
Katniss reaction was sad becuase her sister was pick out of the bowl,Katniss had to take her place becuase she didn't want to get hurt. and Peeta reaction was a different becuase he didn't have to take anyones place, so he was a little scared for being up there and no one saying anything.

4. Are regular people allowed to travel from one district to another?
The answer is no, only business people can travel to other districts.

Caritas: A life in a day of Sopee.

 This is my venn diaggram for: A life of a day of Sopee, We had to write key words about her life, my life, and when we are done we had to write similarties of what we have in comin with each other.

Friday, 19 February 2021

Week 3 Reflection

The highlight of my week was doing meditation with our local Priest he invitied                                           us to come to meditate with him, in enjoyed being in a quiet place.       

The thing I found challenging was to try a catch up with work because I was away.

Something I want to work on next week is to try and managed my time becuase I get carried away talking.

I showed the value mercy when I helping other people in the class because they had trouble trying to find where everything is.

I am looking forward to swimming sports next week because I want to see how I came and how good I am.

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Mercy values

This is mine and my groups Mercy values video.

We had to show what we learned and what we know about the mercy vlaues and turn it into a video or write it down.

We had to add Excellences, Comppassion, Hospitality, Respect, Service and socal justice.


Week 2 reflection

 What was the highlight of my week, one thing that I like was doing the letter to the                                         teacher becuase it was a fun task were I could explain what we like and a bit about oursleves                       

What was something I found Challenging, one thing I found was doing my art because it was a                little hard to outline my hair and trying to do look so weird.

What was one success, one of my success was doing my art because I got I it done in the time              period and it turned out ok.

What was something that I learned, one this that I learned was not to wet your panit brush when you are doing art.

What are you looking forward to next week, I am looking forward to doing my Goal for the year / term.

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Reflection wk 1

At the start for week 1 I felt, fine because I was in this class last year but just new people.

The highlight of my week was, having to alter serve at a funeral because I have never done that before.

Something I found challenging was, to get the courage and alter serve in front of a lot of people.

I am really looking forword to, is swimming because I want to see how I can inprove.