

Friday, 19 February 2021

Week 3 Reflection

The highlight of my week was doing meditation with our local Priest he invitied                                           us to come to meditate with him, in enjoyed being in a quiet place.       

The thing I found challenging was to try a catch up with work because I was away.

Something I want to work on next week is to try and managed my time becuase I get carried away talking.

I showed the value mercy when I helping other people in the class because they had trouble trying to find where everything is.

I am looking forward to swimming sports next week because I want to see how I came and how good I am.

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Mercy values

This is mine and my groups Mercy values video.

We had to show what we learned and what we know about the mercy vlaues and turn it into a video or write it down.

We had to add Excellences, Comppassion, Hospitality, Respect, Service and socal justice.


Week 2 reflection

 What was the highlight of my week, one thing that I like was doing the letter to the                                         teacher becuase it was a fun task were I could explain what we like and a bit about oursleves                       

What was something I found Challenging, one thing I found was doing my art because it was a                little hard to outline my hair and trying to do look so weird.

What was one success, one of my success was doing my art because I got I it done in the time              period and it turned out ok.

What was something that I learned, one this that I learned was not to wet your panit brush when you are doing art.

What are you looking forward to next week, I am looking forward to doing my Goal for the year / term.

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Reflection wk 1

At the start for week 1 I felt, fine because I was in this class last year but just new people.

The highlight of my week was, having to alter serve at a funeral because I have never done that before.

Something I found challenging was, to get the courage and alter serve in front of a lot of people.

I am really looking forword to, is swimming because I want to see how I can inprove.