

Monday, 19 October 2020

What did I enjoy this first week back: I got to see my friends and telll them all about my holiday and get to meet the the other teaher miss Lawless.

What was one success this week I had and why: I did really well with high jump because I made it over the bar and it was higher than I normally jump.

What was something I challenging this week and why: The math test we had on monday and it was a little difficult doing it.

What was one thing that I have learned this week: I leaned what mean median mode is and how they work

What is one thing i'm looking forward to next week: I looking forward to athletic and to see who makes it in for the Central zones.

How have I showen the value Aroha: I have showen the value aroha by looking after the people around me.


  1. Great job Therese! you did amazing in Athletics, and you worked really hard on lots of your learning. You've also reflected really well, Keep up the great work!

  2. Hi Therese!
    It looks like you had a Fantastic week back, and I'm sure that the High Jump was a definite success for you! I loved how you included what you were looking forward to and what challenged you this week! Next time you could add a bit more detail into these events but otherwise great job!
